Prof. Chengri Ding
Prof. Chengri Ding


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Prof. Chengri Ding

University of Maryland  ,USA

Research Area:

Urban economics, urban policy, land policy, urban planning, urban management, policy and planning analysis, urban transportation, etc.

Research Experience:

Dr. Chengri Ding is Professor at Urban Studies and Planning Program, University of Maryland. Prof. Ding obtains his Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is specialized at urban economics, urban and land policies, urban planning, and China studies. He holds professorship in numerous universities like Zhejiang University, Beijing Normal University, Zhengzhou University. Currently he serves at the director of Urban Development Research Center at Zhengzhou University of China.

He has published more than thirty articles in leading journals like Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, China Economic Review, Urban Studies, Environment and Planning B, Housing Policy Debates, and Land Use Policy.  He has published seven monographs and edited three books on China in land and housing policies, urbanization, and smart growth.

He serves advisory Board for the International Institute of Property Taxation and he was the founding director for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy’s China Program (now it is the Lincoln-Beida Land Center). He has been consulting to the central, provincial, and municipal governments of China since 2004, on land policy, urban growth, development strategy, urban planning, public finance and property taxation, urban transportation, etc.  He has been consulting to the World Bank, Global Business Network, FAO, and many leading Chinese agencies such as NDRC, China Development Bank etc.